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York is a historic walled city in North Yorkshire, England, at the confluence of the rivers Ouse and Foss. Over the years it has also been known by its inhabitants as Eboracum, Eoferwic, and Jórvík. It is also the origin of the name of New York, in the US.

The city was founded in AD 71 and became in turn the capital of a Roman province and of the kingdoms of Northumbria and Jorvik. After the establishment of the Kingdom of England, York was regarded as the capital of the North, and housed the Council of the North. Whilst the idea of the North being a separate province with its own capital has since disappeared from secular politics, the Church of England has retained the concept, and York remains the seat of the Archbishop of York and the capital of the Province of York. York is also the traditional county town of Yorkshire, to which it lends its name. In Welsh it is called Efrog.

Recent city comments:

  • Roman Fortress of Eboracum, blackjaq21 wrote 8 years ago:
    The four gatehouses were at the present sites of St. Helen's Square, King's Square, NE of the Treasurer's House, and under Bootham Bar
  • Knavesmire Pub, nicki (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    where did the atmosphere go ? visited many times before the races it was always a good crack even though you had to wait a while for drinks the pub now seems like a high end restaurant and not the pub it once was
  • Knavesmire Pub, ant (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    flat beer !!!!
  • Rawcliffe Lake, pat (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    there is NO access to the lake from Kentmere drive,
  • Knavesmire Pub, Dunx (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    Pub has just received a massive refurbishment 100% improvement
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